As we can see today, it seems that the world is starting to crumble away. We, people, should know that it’s our fault why the Earth is tearing itself apart. Natural calamities have not also increased the number of occurrence but also its intensity, like earthquakes, tsunamis, sudden volcano eruptions, tornados, typhoons, drought, cyclones, etc. It’s like the nature is hastening to destroy itself because she cannot bear us, who is abusing her kindness.
Due to global warming, many natural disasters have happen. Like, the sudden increase of the occurrence of typhoons and floods in America. Earthquakes with high-intensity in China that has caused great life loss, even the aftershocks are deadly. Not only in China, but also for the whole world, because the researchers have discovered that the number of incidents of earthquakes on the world has increased.
On December 4, 2004, countries have been hit by tsunamis, it was the most powerful earthquake the planet has ever seen after 40 years, with a total death of 13,000 and expected to rise further. These countries were Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The CNN news has stated, that some of the tsunamis reached as far as 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the epicenter of the 9.0 magnitude quake.
Tornados have always been pestering America, but nowadays it seems that the number of the occurrence of tornado has increased. On June 11, 2008, a tornado has struck the western Iowa campground of the Boy Scouts. Tornados also hit down Kansas, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Unfortunately, 4 were dead and 48 were injured. It has also destroyed the small town of Chapman and has caused so much damage on the Kansas State University campus.
According Mr. Michael Wright, the oil reserves will be completely depleted on 2038, which is really quite shocking because it will all cause a great chaos around the world, including wars.
The rising of the sea levels were caused by the melting of the ice because of global warming. The ice in the Arctic Ocean is melting faster than the rate that the climate change computer models have predicted. There will be 4 expected consequences of the rising sea levels, like salinity will affect our water supply; landlocked bodies of water are threatened of salinity as well, so farming would also be affected; waves would increase its size; and islands below sea level would sink down.
There have been an increased of dry lands. Through desertification, poverty may increase its rate because poverty is worse in drier zones than on wetter zones.
Our underground reservoirs, also called aquifers, have a possibility that it would dry up because of global warming. There is also a possibility that because of the rising sea level, aquifers can be contaminated. This is really a serious problem because mostly of fresh water is from the groundwater.
There are also a lot of droughts happening now; it may cause dried soil that cannot produce crops anymore. This may also cause of hunger, deaths and even poverty.
These are only some of the disasters that are happening now in the world that was cause by us because of our irresponsibility. These are also some of the factors why the scientist tries to find a planet for us to live in. A planet that can support our lives and the elements that makes us alive. According to Chris McKay, a planetary scientist, that Mars had life. He said that Mars has water once before and all dried up because of its thick atmosphere. It has the same composition as the earth’s atmosphere; it has nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Who knows, maybe someday
Mars will be a planet where life can dwell.
Primary Source : www.
Summarized and editted by : Pia Angela Enriquez