Composed by: Michelle Alejandrino
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
In the Name of Rain
♥♪Affection (Infatuation and Love) ♥♪
written by:♀Blessel Maria Ates of IV- Abad Santos♀
Man and Woman
Man, by nature is strong physically and mentally. They have great talents or abilities that makes them superior over the woman. Man excel, not only on physical activities but also in brain-teasing activities. They are born-leaders. They handle things differently than the woman.
Woman, is much stronger emotionally and mentally than the man. They know how to carry heavy burdens and woman also knows how to find solutions on different situation. They even smile when they aren't happy and cry's when they laugh. And their love is unconditional.
Man and Woman is created with a purpose. Each of them has their own abilities and strengths than makes them important. They were created not only for themselves to succeed but also for the success of the nation on the future. Woman, in the Bible did not came from the feet to be step on, they are not also came from the head to be superior. But they are made from the part of the ribs of the man for them to support and love each other. This makes them equal not only in the eyes of the Lord but they should also be equal in the eyes of mankind.
Past, Present and Future
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Evidences on the possible existence of life in Mars
Scientists have long pondered about the possible existence of life in Mars. As senior high students in our institution, we consider Mars as the most fascinating planet now because of its widespread speculations of life overheard in the news and written in the paper. As we were researching on evidences, we have encountered a lot of awesome features and information about Mars.
In the mid-19 century, astronomers knew that Mars had certain similarities to earth. Observations led to increase in speculation that that Mars may be inhabited by life. In the mid-1970’s, Viking probes were put to mission to carry out experiment to detect microorganisms in Martian soil. Mars Global Surveyor, a lander, confirmed that Mars no longer possessed global magnetic field, allowing lie-threatening radiation of cosmic rays to reach the planets surface. Thus, helped the solar wind blow away much of Mars’ atmosphere over the years. A Mars’ meteorite (ALH84001) has grown result which concluded that it contained fossilized microbes. NASA, in March in the year 2004, announced that “
Recently, NASA’s Phoenix Mars lander is now out on its mission to pursue water in the planet. The
Primary Source: www.
Summarized and eddited by: Michelle Dianne Salcedo
Advancement of Technology in Mars
Mars. Is it capable of keeping inhabitants in its surface? Will it allow anyone to set foot on it?
An experimental greenhouse on Devon Island, Nuhavut, Canada was donated by SpaceRef Interactive Inc. It supports the conducted research under the auspices of Haughton Mars Project. This greenhouse project was installed on Summer 2002. not only SpaceRef Interactive Inc. sponsored the said project. It is also provided by Canadian Space Agency, University of Guelph, and Simon Fraser University.
The money spent and sponsored by the said establishments are not wasted. The greenhouse project is used as a tool for communication systems, control and sensors to test if the greenhouse can be operated with or without the absence of human. It has also 1 objective, to test the possibility of human beings on Mars. It will support scientific research which is relevant in finding unique ways or Earth- like ways to support life on Mars. With fidelity and complexity.
The greenhouse project is not the only project which is made for exploring Mars. There are many new technologies that made Mars exploration possible. These are the PROPULSION which provide energy to help scientist conduct long term studies. POWER for providing more efficient and increased electricity to the spacecraft and its subsystems. TELECOMMUNICATIONS for sending commands and receiving data faster and in greater amounts. AVIONICS, electronics for operating the spacecraft and its subsystems. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING for providing the computing and commands necessary to operate the spacecraft and its subsystems.
These researches are not the only tools to explore Mars. Maybe one day, these scientific instruments may fade and can be changed by even more powerful instruments. We cannot know the future because we are not psycho's and specially we are not God to dictate the future. Hopefully, after the researches, we can conclude that it is safe to live on Mars and it can sustain our lives. But it is always the best to SAVE OUR MOTHER EARTH EARLIER, so that we do not spend much for researching Mars and we will not worry were to find refuge when MOTHER EARTH surrenders.
Primary Source:
Summarized and editted by : Blessel Maria Ates
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What’s happening now and the factors that triggers finding a new planet for us to live in?
On December 4, 2004, countries have been hit by tsunamis, it was the most powerful earthquake the planet has ever seen after 40 years, with a total death of 13,000 and expected to rise further. These countries were Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The CNN news has stated, that some of the tsunamis reached as far as 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from the epicenter of the 9.0 magnitude quake.
According Mr. Michael Wright, the oil reserves will be completely depleted on 2038, which is really quite shocking because it will all cause a great chaos around the world, including wars.
There have been an increased of dry lands. Through desertification, poverty may increase its rate because poverty is worse in drier zones than on wetter zones.
Our underground reservoirs, also called aquifers, have a possibility that it would dry up because of global warming. There is also a possibility that because of the rising sea level, aquifers can be contaminated. This is really a serious problem because mostly of fresh water is from the groundwater.
There are also a lot of droughts happening now; it may cause dried soil that cannot produce crops anymore. This may also cause of hunger, deaths and even poverty.
These are only some of the disasters that are happening now in the world that was cause by us because of our irresponsibility. These are also some of the factors why the scientist tries to find a planet for us to live in. A planet that can support our lives and the elements that makes us alive. According to Chris McKay, a planetary scientist, that Mars had life. He said that Mars has water once before and all dried up because of its thick atmosphere. It has the same composition as the earth’s atmosphere; it has nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Who knows, maybe someday